
Method locator interface, default implementation and support tools.


While locator is not strictly required abstraction, it is created to factor this code out of already complicated Connection class.

prpc.method_locator.method(*args, expand_args=True)

Mark function as an public RPC method and optionally apply decorators.

May be uses both with and without arguments, e.g.:

async def foo(ctx, arg1, arg2):
    "Args are expanded to fit the signature."

async def bar(ctx):
    "All args are passed in ctx object."

Can be applied to instance/class methods:

class Service(object):
    async def foo(self, ctx):
        "Works fine."
class prpc.method_locator.AbstractMethodLocator

Method locator interface definition.

resolve(method_name, call_type, connection)

Resolve a method given call context.

  • method_name – Method name as a string.
  • call_type – Call type (unary, istream, etc).
  • connection – Connection object related.

method as an async callable expecting a single argument (CallContext)

class prpc.method_locator.TreeMethodLocator(methods, collect_all=False, separator=’.’)

Default method locator implementation.

Allows to use multiple objects and free functions as united ‘RPC service’.

Allowed method formats (foo - function, obj - object instance):
  • foo
  • obj
  • {“func_name”: foo, “service_name”: obj}
  • {“group_name”: dict}


By default, only methods marked by method() decorator are exposed.


Decorate found method (hook for subclasses).

resolve(method_name, call_type, connection)

Resolve implementation, see AbstractMethodLocator.